Queen Mothers Crown
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The Queen Mother’s crown was executed in 1937, to serve in the Coronation of Queen Consort Elizabeth, the wife of George VI. The Queen Mother’s crown was heavily influenced by the crown that was made for her mother-in-law, Queen Mary, in 1911. The crown is based on a circlet worn by Queen Victoria and was worn by HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at the Coronation in 1937. The band is encrusted with diamonds, and set on it are four alternate cross pattee and fleur-de-lis. The famous Koh-i-Noor diamond is set in the front cross pattee; this echoes the construction of Queen Mary’s Crown.
From each cross pattee rises a tapering jewelled half arch. On the intersection is the monde carrying a cross pattee in the centre of which is a large diamond. The arches are detachable and heavily set with diamonds. The frame of the crown is made out of platinum and inside the “Cap of Estate” is made out of purple velvet. The Koh-i-Noor remains in the crown to this day, as does the 17-carat diamond which was given to Queen Victoria in 1856 by the Sultan of Turkey. It is set directly below the Koh-i-Noor on the front band. Both the arches of the crown and the Koh-i-Noor and its mounts are detachable. The crown contains 2800 diamonds.
The curse of the Koh-i-Noor
The Koh-i-Noor, set into the crown of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, has had a long and bloodthirsty history since its appearance was first recorded in the early years of the 14th century. At that time, it was the property of Sultan Ala-ed-Din, ruler of Delhi from 1295 to 1316. Over the centuries, the stone has been at the centre of a complex web of intrigue, murder, brutality, torture and deception. The stone carried a curse – that misfortune would befall the owner, although any woman wearing it would remain unharmed.
Item No: 60-009